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LED工矿灯 厂房灯
录入时间:2013/11/20 9:50:45   点击次数:1786次   【返回上一页】
LED is the key device for full color LED display, selection is now equivalent to the computer CPU.LED to choose the display more than 50% quality. If it fails to choose a good LED, other components display again good also cannot make up for the display quality defects. Composition due to pixel color display by tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of red, green, blue three LED composition, failure of any color LED display screen will affect the overall visual effect. Generally speaking, according to the work experience, was set in the display of the led the beginning of aging for 72 hours before shipping out of power should be not more than 3/10000 (referring to the failure of LED device itself reason cause).
LED failure generally include the following three categories: short circuit, open circuit (leakage), dark and bright. Short circuit (leakage) is due to the general module circuit in the impulse current is too large. LED chip function changes, chip leakage current increase in open circuit can be static or other reasons; LED chip breakdown; dark and bright, is generally due to the incorrect use of the colloidal LED water in the steam, affect the optical effect of LED.
About LED failure in doubt. The primary use of plans to set sail, need to choose the appropriate circuit, the circuit interface reduce electrostatic force, put an end to high current pulse generating work damaged LED, plan to protect the need to plan reasonable seal LED, uprooting can force strain LED leg representation occurs.
Secondly, in the production of attention to the rational use of LED control: pay attention to details of material feeding and using reasonable control, about expired material must do moistureproof skills disposal; attention to anti electrostatic method of strict control, anti - static method display equipment factory should have excellent, special anti-static, anti-static, anti-static floor iron, anti-static pad Taiwan, anti-static ring, anti-static clothing, humidity control, equipment grounding (especially cutting machine feet) are fundamental needs, and to detect electrostatic instrument shall be in strict punctuality; control the wave crest welding temperature and time of the furnace. Recommendations: preheating temperature 100 ± 5 ℃, the highest do not cross 120 ℃, and the preheating temperature rise to stable, the welding temperature 245 ± 5 ℃, welding time recommendations do not cross 3 seconds, a furnace to avoid the vibration or shock LED, until the resumption of normal temperature conditions.
The temperature parameter of crest welder should be punctual detection, which is selected by the characteristics of the LED, overheating or not determined temperature will directly damage the LED or LED quality risk, particularly for small standard such as circular and elliptical LED 3mm; the LED display in the LED does not shine, generally have a 50% probability that all cross type of weld, such as the LED pin, the IC pin points of weld, row row weld etc.. These questions need to improve skills improved sharply and strengthen quality inspection to disposal. Before leaving the factory inspection, inspection room temperature aging Gao Wenwen vibration is a good method of identification.
  LED产品失效疑问的有用控制是封装、显示屏计划、出产和显示屏工程中需要注意避免控制的重要环节。而这些环节的有用确保需要我们工作孕育出更多像柏狮、国星、雷曼、利亚德等这样的优秀企业,推行更加严厉的质量管理体系,从计划、收买、出产、质量检测、包装、运送、售前和售后跟踪全过程进行产品的质量监测,确保产品“质量效能零缺陷”, 全彩LED显示屏推动整个工作的健康有序的成长。
Useful control question failure of LED products is to avoid the important link control package, display program, production and display project. But these links useful to ensure that we need to work to produce more like Bai Shi, country star, Lehman, Riyadh and other outstanding enterprises, implementation of more stringent quality management system, monitoring product quality from the plan, buy, production, quality inspection, packaging, transport, sale and after sale tracking the whole process, to ensure product "quality zero defect", promote the healthy and orderly development of the work.
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  友情链接: 山东LED显示屏  烟台LED显示屏